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Understanding the Effect of Chemical Structure of Asphaltenes on Wax Crystallization of Crude Oils from Colorado Oil Field.

In a previous article (Molina V., D.; Energy Fuels 2017, 31, 133?139; DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b01887) the structural differences of asphaltenes in Colombian light crude oils from the same field, i.e., the Colorado oilfield, were presented. Colorado crude oil is a light crud...

Autor(es): Daniel Ricardo Molina.  

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Structural differences among the asphaltenes in Colombian light crudes from the Colorado Oil Field

The aim of this work was to demonstrate that the average chemical structure of the asphaltenes of a crude oil sample is unique compared with crudes of other wells from the Colorado Oil field, Colombia. Six crude oils extracted from several depths (from 2112 to 6178 ft) were stu...

Autor(es): Juan Carlos Poveda.   Daniel Ricardo Molina.  

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Photo-epoxidation of cyclohexene, cyclooctene and 1-octene with molecular oxygen catalyzed by dichloro dioxo-(4,4?-dicarboxylato-2,2?-bipyridine) molybdenum(VI) grafted on mesoporous TiO2

The photo-assisted oxygen transfer to cyclohexene, cyclooctene and 1-octene was investigated using molecular O2 as a primary oxidant with a dichloro-dioxo-(4,4?-dicarboxylato-2,2?-bipyridine) molybdenum(VI) complex grafted on the surface of mesoporous TiO2 supports exhibiting dif...

Autor(es): Henry Martinez.   Fernando Martinez.   Daniel Ricardo Molina.  

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